Already poets young and old are favouring oral transmission, delivering their verses by voice at poetry recitals and in pubs and other places where the audience is not a literary one. A good deal of what is thus transmitted may already have appeared or will later appear in print. Or it may be that no true transmission is thus affected, for a man with a pint is capable of profound inattention, though perhaps not more so than an overt literary audience at a poetry recital, or even readers of a book of printed verse.
A C Ward
Literature and its Tranmission in
Longman Companion to Twentieth Century Literature
I don't want my life right now
2 months ago
I actually find the man of the pint to be more attentive! I think making poetry (and prose) into event, something to be celebrated, really does good in the world.
(wish i had something more witty to say!)
heh. oral transmission.
I apologize for that last comment. I couldn't resist.
SD, it is funny, now that you mention it.
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